What is phytotherapy?
Phytotherapy treats with drugs which consist exclusively of plants, plant parts, plant constituents or their preparations.
Herbal remedies are taken in the form of teas, drops, tablets and capsules, but they can also be applied externally on the skin in form of ointments and tinctures.
Many conventional medicines are often based on the knowledge and experience of medicinal plants. A good example is the orthodox medical drug digitoxin. This has been successfully used for the therapy of cardiac insufficiency. The healing effect is based, however, on the active ingredients of the thimble.

How do herbal remedies work?
Herbal remedies are incredibly versatile. I would like to present a selection of herbal remedies and their effects. This list is in no way complete. This is just a small selection and their respective medical field of application is sometimes far more diverse than it is listed here.

Can be used for inflammation of the prostate and the urinary tract, inflammation in the gynecological field and for inflammation in the ENT area.

It stimulates the flow of bile, has a hepatoprotective effect and can, to a certain extent, reduce cholesterol in the blood.

This plant has calming and sleep-inducing effects, and is often used for nervous exhaustion and mild depression.

The herbal ingredients are used for low blood pressure, for rapid heartbeat and nervous heart problems.

Is often used in rheumatic diseases, but also contains so much iron that it can be used in iron deficiency. Has long been known as remedy for benign enlarged prostate.

It protects the blood vessels and is often used for swelling of the legs.

Ivy is a remedy that is used in the respiratory tract. It is an expectorant and eases the urge to cough.

It is suitable for local treatment of mild skin and mucosal inflammation. But it is also used for treatment of diarrheal diseases.

Ginkgo tree:
Gingko is used to treat brain power disorders, particularly memory and concentration problems.

True Goldenrod:
Applications are urinary tract inflammation and urolithiasis.

St. John's:
It is the major herbal agent for the treatment of depression.

Chamomile is one of the best-known medicinal plants. It is used for inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes; it solves stomach and intestinal cramps and has an analgesic effect. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory, wound cleansing, antispasmodic, diaphoretic and carminative effects. Accordingly diverse is its field of application in medicine.

Garlic is not only used against atherosclerosis, it also lowers cholesterol. It lowers blood pressure and improves blood circulation.

Pumpkin seeds:
They are one of the most famous agents in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

She has a calming, antispasmodic effect and also works antibacterially.

Mistletoe is also a well-known remedy. Its great popularity is caused by its use in cancer therapy. Mistletoe also generally stimulates the immune system.

Chaste Tree:
This is a main agent in treating painful disorders of the menstrual period, the so-called premenstrual syndrome.

Butterbur is an important means for treating headaches but also other nerve pain. It also acts as an antispasmodic and is even used in asthma therapy.

Its field of application is similarly wide as that of chamomile. It is anti-bacterial, has a cooling effect, stimulates the circulation and is used mainly for mild infections of the upper respiratory tract.

Purpul Coneflower:
It is also well known by his Latin name Echinacea. Echinacea stimulates the immune system.

Is used in inflammation of the mouth and throat.

Devil's Claw:
Main application is the treatment of degenerative joint diseases, for example, in painful osteoarthritis, it is also used in rheumatic diseases.

Thyme is useful for treatment of respiratory infections. Thyme triggers secretion and is antiseptic.

This is a plant native to southern Africa. It is used for strengthening the immune system and for the treatment of inflammation especially in the area of the respiratory tract.

Are herbal remedies without side effects?
This assumption can have fatal consequences. Of course, herbal remedies can cause side effects, but they often have fewer side effects and are better tolerated than other drugs. Dosages must be strictly adhered to, and taking such drugs should definitely be communicated to the doctor, as interactions with conventional medicaments may exist. It is also not true that these remedies are equally well-tolerated by children and adults. Agents with a high content of essential oils can even be life threatening for young children. That’s why these substances should not be taken carelessly during pregnancy or lactation.