What is a symbiosis? 80% of our immune system (about 90 billion cells) are busy every day around the clock protecting an intestinal surface of 300 sq.m. against 100 trillion microbes in the gut. These figures emphasize the enormous importance of the intestine for the immune system and human health. But one has to distinguish between harmful and useful intestinal bacteria. Some gut bacteria help us not only with digestion and absorption of nutrients, but with their help also vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12 and vitamin K are created.
Some people suffer from a disturbed intestinal flora called dysbiosis, a disturbance of the natural biocoenosis of intestinal microbes and man. The balance between harmful and beneficial intestinal colonization shifts. With the help of so-called symbiosis, the therapist tries to restore a healthy intestinal flora.

How does a disturbed intestinal flora (dysbiosis) happen?
In most cases our diet is denatured, low in fiber, too fatty and often sterilized. Moreover we eat too much, too often and at the wrong times of day. Often our mode of life is very lazy, and we have too little movement. In addition, medications (such as antibiotics and cortisone) can disrupt the balance of the intestine. If digestion worsens, we are often left with taking laxatives. The result is a further weakening of the intestinal motility and a loss of valuable body salts. In addition to environmental toxins, social drugs damage the intestinal flora and alter the intestinal environment.

How does the symbiosis work?
One approach is to improve the disturbed bacterial milieu of the intestine is through medication. This, however, is limited as it is much more difficult to be effective in a soiled and sagging bowel, than in a well-prepared bowel. Therefore, symbiosis is sometimes combined with the colon hydrotherapy. Before each treatment, however, there has to be a diagnosis. The first step is an accurate survey of the symptoms. If you suspect disturbed symbiosis, a laboratory examination is necessary.